Mahmudur Haque, CPA

Mahmudur Haque, CPA


mahmudur haque


MS Accounting, University of Dallas, '15

MS Finance, University of Dundee

BS Economics and Biological Anthropology, Duke University


How was the adjustment from earning business and accounting degrees in another country to the US and then qualifying to sit for the CPA exam? And why UD?

My goal was to sit for the CPA exam after graduating from the MS program, and I liked the DFW area. During the application process, I learned that the University of Dallas MS program is AACSB accredited, and the courses taught in the MS accounting program are accepted by the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy. The admissions team accepted all my earlier undergraduate courses and did not require me to do any additional courses to complete the MS degree. So, the transition to the US was easy for me.

Did the MS accounting program meet your expectations?

I enjoyed attending the classes at the University of Dallas. All the professors were extremely supportive throughout the program. I found the lectures at UD to be very thorough. Attending the lectures regularly and keeping up with the homework and project work helped me to do well at UD.